


发布时间:2023-03-09 09:53




2023年3月23日-24日/ 中国上海/ ECV International























联系人: Wes Wei

电话:+86 21 8026 0707-813





上海希为(ECV International)是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构,拥有近100位行业研究及活动策划、运营专家,每年在全球举办60多场高水平的线上线下国际峰会,峰会主题涵盖汽车、能源、制造业、纺鞋、数字营销、零售、碳中和、可持续发展、供应链、财务、人才、钢铁、医药医疗等领域行业。我们服务了超过一半的财富2,000强企业。每年有6,000+ 名高管和顶尖企业的代表参加了我们的活动。



China Green Aluminium Summit 2023

Summit Background

The aluminium industry is a highly energy-intensive industry, mainly including aluminium ore mining, alumina production, electrolytic aluminum production and aluminum processing. China has come to account for more than half of global output in primary aluminium. However, compared with international advanced aluminium manufacturer, the carbon emission intensity per unit of primary aluminium of Chinese aluminium manufacturer is 3 times of EU aluminium emission intensity, and 1.11 times of the global average emission intensity, which will lead to higher energy costs for Chinses aluminium manufacturer. With the acceleration of China's "dual carbon" goal, “green aluminum” will be the trend in the future.

China Green Aluminium Summit 2023 will focus on the development of the aluminium industry under the "dual carbon" goal, combine best cases and practice sharing, discuss the development path and latest technologies of the green aluminium industry, and strive to create a green and sustainable aluminium industry to accelerate the goal of "carbon neutrality".

Summit Time/ Address/ Organizer

March 23-24, 2023/Shanghai, China/ ECV International

The summit will be held in-person and online.

Selected topics

Benchmark Method of China’s Electrolytic Aluminum Sector under National Carbon Emission Trading Market

Aluminium Industry’s Approach to Net Zero

Best Practice: Accelerating the Green Transition for Aluminium Net-Zero Emission

From Smelter to Foundry, How to Maximize Green Aluminium Production by Advanced Solutions

Low-Carbon Aluminium Development Focused on Upstream Value Chain

Panel Discussion: "Double Carbon" Goal: Challenges and Opportunities for Aluminium Industry

Efficient Green Aluminium Electrolysis Technology Paves the Way to Decarbonization

Inert Anode Technology Leads a New Era for Aluminium Industry

Cutting Edge Gas Solutions for Higher Productivity Across Green Aluminium Process Chain

How to Adopt Renewable Hydrogen for Decarbonizing Refining Process

New Energy’s Support to Green and Low Carbon Aluminium Industry Development

Closed-loop Recycling System: A Suitability Commitment for Decarbonization


Industry Sectors

Consulting and Association、Primary aluminium、Recycled aluminium、Aluminium alloys、Semi-products、Smelting processing solution、Raw aluminium processing solution、Recycled aluminium processing、Heat processing solution、Extrusion and rolling solution、Surface processing solution、Automotive industry、Packaging industry、Construction industry、Test and measurement、Sorting and separation solution、Solid Waste Solution、Decarbonization process solution


Official website of the summit: http://www.ecvinternational.com/ChinaGreenAluminium/index.html

Contacts: Wes Wei

Phone: +86 -21 - 8026 0707 ext 813

Email: marketing@ecvinternational.com


About Us

With a team of 100+ professionals specialized in events planning and execution, we held 60+ high-level online & in-person international summits around the world per year. The theme of the events involved in the fields of Vehicle, Energy, Manufacturing, Apparel & Textile, Footwear Industry, Digital Marketing, Carbon Neutral, Sustainability Development, Supply Chain, Finance, Digital Talent, Steel, Cyber Security and other traditional and emerging technology industries. We have served more than half of the Fortune 2000 companies and with 6000+ executives and delegates from top-notch corporations take part in our events each year.

We have successfully organized a number of industry-influential events through in-depth industry insight, well-managed customer relationship. Our mission is to provide professional services, connect and inform stakeholders the latest industry trends and best practices, and build a high-value social platform for industry executives. Help enterprise decision-makers meet challenges, seize opportunities and achieve efficient development and create more value.

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