

DEXLEVO at AMWC JAPAN: a Successful Debut

发布时间:2022-11-18 22:23

SEOUL, South Korea -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --

DEXLEVO, a company specializing in beauty medical devices, attended the Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC Japan) held for the first time in Japan. AMWC is one of the world’s three major beauty anti-aging conferences. AMWC congress was launched this year in Japan to activate the East Asian market with Japan as an aesthetic medicine and anti-aging hub.

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DEXLEVO participated as a sponsor and exhibitor at AMWC Japan, which was held in Tokyo on November 5-6th. Within two congress days, the company held meetings with about 250 Japanese and overseas doctors and companies.

Moreover, on the first day of the congress, about 190 doctors participated in a special luncheon symposium devoted to DEXLEVO’s unique injectable GOURI. During the seminar, an Italian plastic surgeon Dr. Mario Goisis introduced GOURI’s technology and some practical cases to demonstrate the anti-aging power of GOURI, and show how it fits in the latest trends of the aesthetic market.

Dr. Goisis highlighted that “DEXLEVO’s GOURI uniqueness lies in the fully liquified formula of PCL which contains no microparticles. After injection the product naturally spreads under the skin and forms a base for a full-face collagen regeneration effect. My patients, who undergone the procedure, are very satisfied with the results.”

DEXLEVO has been internationally recognized for its filler technology at major conferences. At AMWC Awards held in Monaco last April, DEXLEVO won the Best Injectables – Collagen Inducer award. For the first time in the history of AMWC Awards, an Asian company became not just a nominee but a winner.

GOURI laid the foundation for its overseas sales by obtaining a European CE last year. CE is a mandatory certification required for supplying and selling products in Western countries, in particular countries of the European Union (EU).

DEXLEVO representative said, "Since the launch of GOURI in September last year, we have introduced and started selling GOURI in more than 40 countries," adding "Starting from January next year, we plan to continue marketing by participating in IMCAS Paris, AMWC Monaco, and Dubai Derma – the biggest global aesthetic and anti-aging conferences."  

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221118005133/en/


Lia Ko  
email address: info@dexlevo.com  
phone number: +82-2-6952-8780 

Dr.Mario giving a lecture about GOURI at AMWC Japan 2022 (Photo: Business Wire)

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